Tuesday, February 15, 2011

HW 34 - Some Initial Thoughts On Birth

As a teenager i look at birth as an after effect of sex, not as some primal need to reproduce. In the animal kingdom it is a necessity to reproduce and to have the most babies so that your species continues because you are at a constant threat of predators and higher ups on the food chain. Pregnancy can be scary for all parties involved. You are creating life, for the woman, they need to hold and grow a child inside them for 9 months. They need to change their eating habits, their working habits, and how they go about daily life. Not only that, but it is a stigma to be pregnant. People look at you differently and treat you differently. If you are on the train you offer your seat to someone with disabilities or someone who is pregnant. Not only that, but pregnancy is an incredibly painful process. It changes your body.
Even more important then that, it changes your mind. It changes how you think and act, you are no longer just responsible for yourself, but you are responsible for someone else who isn't able to take care of them self. They rely on you totally and completely to nurture them and teach them and just take care of them.
Some Questions i had:
  • Are women afraid of pregnancy?
  • What percentage of women are single mothers?
  • How often do women die during childbirth?
  • What are the infant mortality rates in the U.S.?
  • What are the depression rates of pregnant women?

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