Sunday, January 30, 2011

HW 33

I think that you have a strong voice in what you believe to be a "broken system." You made very broad but poignant statements to the missing pieces of the health care system. You are right to say that it is a rat race per say of who can make the most and therefore be the most protected from pending disasters. As just a side note, you do have some minor spelling and grammar issues that distract the reader from what you are really trying to say. But other then that, good job

I was really impressed by your positive life attitude towards such a depressing topic. I do agree though that we focus too much on the death aspect of life, rather then enjoying the time we are given. I feel that it is more of a religious question as to how the life we live affects the death we die. But you are very right to say "they're the moments where everybody is smiling. These are the moments that are priceless." You did need to work on your grammar and spelling, but i think that if you reread it and made those quick corrections then this piece would greatly improve. I did enjoy reading this though.

It seems to me that the idea of lingering on the earth in your final years worries you a lot. I have a question about a question you made above:"I was the most curious as to if you were 85 and you knew that you were finished with everything that you wanted to do on earth and you knew you were dying, would you die? Or do you stick around until your body says you can go?"
Are you asking whether your attitude toward death could expedite or slow down the dying process? If so then I think a fascinating thought that you should definitely look more into. Another question you could ask is how does your setting in your final years (home, retirement home, hospital) affect your attitude toward dying. I could see through your writing that you were on the brink of asking that question yourself


Younger Brother (Eli)
Your opinion on the value of end-of-life care is very interesting. You take the whole countries interest and realize that people suck up the healthcare system in their final days. You don't outwardly say that but it is implied by statements such as "I just think it is ridiculous that it costs so much money for the end of life care where you live your final days hooked up to machines".

To respond I would just ask what about the loved ones. When grandma passed we valued every second. Imagine what grandpa thought. This is hard to think about but it proposes that you only live once. Yes it is hard to let go, but this life is our only one (as far as we know). So why not spend boatloads of money just for another day. If it means one more smile, then you could argue its worth it.

Mentor (Mother)
"Or do you stick around until your body says you can go?"
If only the solution were that simple. You talked a little about health care and the end of life as living winds down. I think there is no clear cut answer -- there is the life of the dying, and of the living to consider. there is what medicine can do to prolong life, but as you pointed out, is it always for the better? As we all approach a time when the purposefulness of our life is in question maybe we will be fortunate enough to reflect back on some of these words, and as medicine helps or hinders, we find some peace in the life we lived.

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